Author: sherry

CAPITOL UPDATE #4 – February 2, 2023

AB 13, Elections: Election Day holiday: voting by mail. (1) Existing law requires the statewide general election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year. Existing law designates specific days as holidays in this state.

CAPITOL UPDATE #3 – January 26, 2023

The Governor is required by law to have a draft budget each year by mid-January with the final budget required to be approved by the State Legislature by mid-June. 

CAPITOL UPDATE #2 – January 19, 2023

The California Legislature has gotten off to a fast start with many bills introduced in December 2022.

CAPITOL UPDATE #1 January 12, 2023

The Legislative Analysts wish you a very Happy, Healthy New Year. California Laws Effective 2023 HEALTH CARE Gender-affirming care: SB 107 aims to make California a sanctuary state for transgender health care, shielding transgender people,

CAPITOL UPDATE #42 November 3, 2022

SB 107 Gender-affirming health care. (1) The United States Constitution generally requires a state to give full faith and credit to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.

CAPITOL UPDATE #41 October 27, 2022

SB 834 Tax-exempt status: insurrection. The Corporation Tax Law, in modified conformity with federal law, provides an exemption from the taxes imposed by those laws for specified organizations.

CAPITOL UPDATE #40 October 20, 2022

AB 1776 – Department of Motor Vehicles: driver’s licenses and identification cards – Existing law authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue and renew driver’s licenses.

Setting Up a Bulk Email List for Your Contacts

By Sherry Gillis, GSRW Website Manager There are several different ways you can set up a bulk email list for your contacts and this may depend on the size of your District.  First of all, let’s talk about your email and how this is going to work.  You have your own email address, but GSRW has a system of “email forwards” so that you don’t have to keep getting emai...

Distinguished Speaker Series

GSRW Slate of Officers for 2023-24

The 2023-2024 slate of Officers for GSRW were elected through a vote of confidence at the August 2, 2023 GSRW Planning Committee meeting.  Here are the results: Janet Price – President Gretchen Cox – 1st Vice President Nancy Wofford – 3rd Vice President Tammy Galt – 4th Vice President Christina Raughton – Recording Secretary Karen Contreras was appointed as 2nd Vice President by a vote of the...

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