February 23, 2023
Golden State Republican Women
Janet Price, President
Submitted by the GSRW Legislative Analyst Committee
Karen Contreras, Lou Ann Flaherty and Elaine Freeman,
CA Taxpayer initiative qualifies for 2024 ballot
Specifically, the measure will:
- Restore a two-thirds vote for any tax hike – thus ending the way they imposed the car and gas takes hikes recently
- Impose a stricter definition on what is a “tax” so politicians can’t call them “fees”
- Require the words “tax increase” be included on the official title of any measure that appears on the ballot that contains a tax hike inside of it, and
- Repeal dozens of tax hikes imposed after Jan 1, 2022 – immediately saving taxpayers money
Additionally, below are bills that were signed by the governor in 2022 but were immediately stopped due to legal actions or ballot referendums that are set for a vote in 2024.
Fast food workers:
AB 257 would create a state council to bargain wages and working conditions on behalf of the than half-million fast food workers in the state. This bill affects not only fast-food operators but all take out businesses. Opponents of the measure have gathered the necessary signatures to keep the measure from going into effect, and to give voters the final say on the issue in 2024.
Oil drilling boundaries:
SB 1137 establishes new setbacks for new oil drilling near communities across the state. Opponents have gathered the necessary signatures to keep the measure from going into effect and give voters the final say on the issue in 2024.
Covid “Misinformation” law:
AB 2098 would have impeded doctors’ ability to communicate with their patients during treatment and would have empowered the Medical Board of California to discipline physicians who support opinions about Covid 19 that are not in line with the “consensus”.
In November a group of five California physicians filed a lawsuit against Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration saying that the law violates their First Amendment rights and constitutional right to due process. A California judge has issued a preliminary injunction halting the implementation of the law while the case is tried in court.
For an interesting article on “Doctors Without Voices” click the link below:
To contact your U.S. Representatives, call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
Legislative Portal links- Express your support or opposition to a bill or directly to the Legislative committee currently reviewing it (as an individual, not as a member of GSRW)– click here, or the bill’s author- click here, enter your bill # and look for tab at top of the bill page labeled “Comments to Author”