January 12, 2023
Golden State Republican Women
Janet Price, President
Submitted by the GSRW Legislative Analyst Committee
Karen Contreras, Elaine Freeman, and Cheryl Sullivan
The Legislative Analysts wish you a very Happy, Healthy New Year!
California Laws Effective 2023
Gender-affirming care: SB 107 aims to make California a sanctuary state for transgender health care, shielding transgender people, including youth and their parents, from legal action from states with bans and restrictions.
Abortion: Several reproductive healthcare-related measures have either already taken effect or will at the start of the year in response to the United State Supreme Court’s decision to overturn federal abortion protections, which restricted access to the procedure in several states. This includes laws that protect medical records and cooperation with out-of-state entities regarding abortion restrictions (AB 2091, AB 1242), expands abortion training options and providers (SB 1375), and protections for people from criminal or civil liabilities for pregnancy loss or abortion (AB 2223).
COVID-19: AB 2693 requires workplaces to continue providing employees with COVID-19 exposure notifications until 2024.
AB 2098 makes it easier for the California Medical Board to punish doctors who spread COVID19 misinformation.
Minimum wage increase: SB 3 (2016) will raise California’s minimum wage to $15.50.
Pay transparency: SB 1162 requires employers to make salary ranges for available job positions to applicants and employees. It also sets new pay data reporting requirements based on gender and race.
Paid family leave: SB 951 increases the share of paid family leave provided to lower-income Californians. It extends what was a temporary increase in the benefit from 55% of wages to 60% to 70% depending on income. In 2025, the bill requires an increase of the benefit to 70%.
Rape kits: SB 1228 prohibits law enforcement agencies from using the DNA collected from a sexual assault victim from being used in the investigation of an unrelated crime.
Free prison phone calls: SB 1008 provides free phone calls to people detained in California prisons and jails.
Rap lyrics in court: AB 2799 limits the use of creative expression, such as rap lyrics, as evidence in criminal cases.
AB 1700 sets up a section on the state Attorney General’s office website to report stolen items.
AB 2294 gives law enforcement the ability to keep those in custody who are accused of organized retail theft.
SB 836 prohibits disclosure of a person’s immigration status in open court in a criminal case by any party unless approved by a judge.
AB 2147 allows pedestrians to jaywalk (or cross the street outside of an intersection) without being ticketed, as long as the crossing is done when it’s safe to do so.
Pink tax: AB 1287 prohibits gender-based pricing on products based on who they’re marketed toward.
Fur: AB 44 (2019) bans the sale and manufacturing of new fur clothing and accessories. It does not apply to used fur products, leather, cowhide, faux fur or shearling.
Food packaging: AB 1200 bans the sale, distribution or offering of any food packaging that contains polyfluoroalkyl substances, also knowns as PFAS.
To contact your U.S. Representatives, call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
Legislative Portal links- Express your support or opposition to a bill or directly to the Legislative committee currently reviewing it (as an individual, not as a member of GSRW)– click here, or the bill’s author- click here, enter your bill # and look for tab at top of the bill page labeled “Comments to Author”