Club Details
Region: District 2
County: Butte
Club: Chico Evening Republican Women
Members Details
Sherry Gillis
First Vice President:
Gina Bax
Fourth Vice President:
Sandy Granicher
Loretta Torres
Recording Secretary:
Chris Gobba
Michele Cooper
Lora Shipley
Membership Reporting:
Sherry Gillis
Web Manager:
Sherry Gillis
Ways & Means:
Sandy Granicher
Loretta Torres
About Our Club Logo
The Board of Directors of Chico Evening Republican Women designed our club’s logo, and we are very happy with it, because it truly represents our area. The logo has a likeness of an historic tree that grows in Upper Bidwell Park, the Hooker Oak.We portray the tree in red to go along with the red, white, and blue colors of our logo. There is a ribbon tied round the old oak tree, however, it is a patriotic colored ribbon, in a nod to the song, “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Old Oak Tree”.
Chico Evening Republican Women GSRW was founded in February, 2022 to meet the needs of Republican women in the Chico and Butte County area of northern California. We meet at 6:00 PM on the first Thursday of every month at The Golden Beaver, 2420 Park Avenue, Chico and the venue closes to the public, providing us with a private event setting.
Looking for a good group of Republican women to join? Click on our Membership Application above and become a member easily – or show up at one of our meetings and get to know us.
Three goals our membership set for our club are to:
- Register Republicans to vote.
- Educate the public on conservative and Republican values.
- Populate a committee to attend the Chico USD Board meetings monthly and support the Republican moms and dads who are fighting for the rights and mental health of their children in our schools.
We have interesting speakers monthly, the atmosphere is colorful, and the food at The Golden Beaver is delish – so come join us!
Meeting Place
Specialty Drinks for Our Club!