Home » CAPITOL UPDATE #41 October 17, 2024

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CAPITOL UPDATE #41 October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

Golden State Republican Women
Janet Price, President

        Submitted by the GSRW Legislative Analyst Committee        
Valerie Evans,
Lou Ann Flaherty and Elaine Freeman, 


Although past recommendations were to vote in person on Voting Day, the California Republican Assembly recommends following the Trump plan:

“The Trump campaign recently launched the Swamp the Vote USA effort (swampthevoteusa.com) to emphasize the importance of early voting. For Republicans to win this critical election, we must use EVERY appropriate tool available to defeat the Democrats. As President Trump has frequently stated, we must SWAMP THEM WITH VOTES to guarantee our victory is TOO BIG TO RIG.”

For help with needed information, understanding, and support in personal decision making, peruse the websites below:

California GOP: https://cagop.org/cagop-endorsements-2024/

California Republican Assembly: https://cragop.org/endorsements/2024-general-election-cra-endorsements-for-partisan-and-nonpartisan-offices/

Craig Huey: https://restoringthecaliforniadream.com/

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association: https://www.hjta.org/hjta-ballot-measure-recommendations/

Evangelical Voice for Today: https://decisionmagazine.com/americas-future-in-the-balance/

However you choose to vote, use the “Track your ballot” tool to ensure your voice is heard and your ballot is counted!


September 30, 2024 was the last day for the Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature before September 1st and in the Governor’s possession on or after September 1st.

Bills enacted on or before October 2, 2024 take effect January 1, 2025.

This year an Extraordinary Floor Session has been called in the California Assembly on October 14th and the Governor has been busy!

In September alone he signed ~817 bills

He vetoed ~184 bills.


  1. Unnecessary
  2. Bills go too far too fast
  3. Cost

See the full list of passed bills:


See the full list of vetoed bills:


 IN THE NEWS October 14, 2024 

California Assembly and Senate approve Governor Newsom’s special session proposal to stop gas price spikes and the Governor signs into law AB1 (ABX21) 

The bill allows the state to require oil refiners to maintain a minimum inventory of fuel to avoid supply shortages that create higher gasoline prices for consumers, and higher profits for the industry. It would also authorize the California Energy Commission to require refiners to plan for resupply during refiner maintenance outages.  Details below:



AB 1, Hart. Energy: transportation fuels: inventories: turnaround and maintenance.

Existing law, beginning on June 26, 2023, establishes the Independent Consumer Fuels Advisory Committee within the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission (Energy Commission) to advise the Energy Commission and the Division of Petroleum Market Oversight, as provided. Existing law prescribes the composition of the 8-member committee, including 6 specified members appointed by the Governor, one member appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, and one member appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. Existing law requires one member appointed by the Governor to represent labor. Existing law prohibits a member of the committee from having been employed by, contracted with, or received direct compensation from, a company that produces, refines, distributes, trades in, markets, or sells any petroleum product in the preceding 12 months, except as provided. Existing law specifies that the schedule of meetings of the committee is to be prescribed by the Energy Commission.

This bill would specify that the above prohibition does not exclude a representative of a labor organization whose membership consists of, in whole or in part, individuals employed by a company that produces, refines, distributes, trades in, markets, or sells any petroleum product. The bill would require the gubernatorial appointee who represents labor to instead represent a labor organization with experience in refinery operations. The bill would require the committee to meet no less than annually.

Existing law requires the Energy Commission, in consultation with the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and labor and industry stakeholders, to consider ways to manage necessary refinery turnarounds and maintenance that would protect the health and safety of employees and the public, and minimize the impacts of maintenance-related production losses on fuel prices. Existing law authorizes the Energy Commission, by regulation, to impose requirements governing the timing of turnaround and maintenance.

This bill would expressly require those regulations to protect the health and safety of employees, local communities, and the public, and to include criteria that are required to be met before a refinery commences a turnaround or maintenance event, as provided.

This bill would require the Energy Commission, in consultation with the committee, to consider the effects of refiners’ inventories of fuel and feedstocks and blending components on the price of transportation fuels in California. The bill would authorize the Energy Commission, by regulation, to develop and impose requirements for refiners operating in the state to maintain minimum levels of inventories of refined transportation fuels meeting California specifications, including any feedstocks and blending components, as specified. The bill would prohibit the Energy Commission from applying a minimum inventory requirement to a refiner in a manner that would be met only by the construction of additional storage infrastructure, as determined by the Energy Commission. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2033.

This bill would impose an administrative civil penalty on a refiner or person who fails to comply with regulations adopted pursuant to the above-described authority and would authorize the Energy Commission to seek any form of injunctive or remedial relief to enforce compliance with those regulations, as provided.

Existing law requires the Energy Commission, on or before January 1, 2024, and every 3 years thereafter, to submit an assessment to the Governor and the Legislature that, among other things, identifies methods to ensure a reliable supply of affordable and safe transportation fuels in California, as provided.

This bill, beginning with the first assessment submitted after the effective date of the bill, would require that the assessment also include an evaluation of California’s future petroleum product and crude oil import needs, identification of steps that can be taken to ensure that marine infrastructure and port facilities will be adequate to accommodate the efficient movement of petroleum products to meet those needs, an evaluation of ways to maximize use of existing infrastructure and minimize cumulative pollution burdens, and an evaluation of the effects on supplies of transportation fuels of state regulations that the Energy Commission identifies may be causing supply constraints, or for which the Energy Commission believes alternative compliance pathways should be considered by state agencies to mitigate potential impacts on supply.

Legislative Portal links – Express your support or opposition to a bill or directly to the Legislative committee currently reviewing it (as an individual, not as a member of RW or GSRW) click here, or the bill’s author – click here, enter your bill # and look for tab at top of the bill page labeled “Comments to Author”.

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