If you have ever questioned how and where political donations occur, Carl Higbie of Newsmax has been on a mission to understand the on-line donation center for the Democrats, Act Blue.
IN THE NEWS AND DISTURBING The California Coastal Commission rejected the Air Force’s plan for increased launches, potentially having concerns that all SpaceX activity would be considered military operations.
Capitol Update #41 for October 17, 2024 contains the latest information on what is happening in the California legislature and the laws and regulations being passed in this state.
In a very unusual situation, Governor Newsom has called a special session of the legislature in early September. The purpose of this session is to address “price gouging” by oil companies.
The California Legislature closed the 2023/2024 session on August 31st sending hundreds of bills to the Governor’s desk. He has the option of signing, vetoing the bill or letting it become law without his signature. He has until the end of September to act.
EPARATIONS BILLS SHELVED. A last-minute protest failed to win the Senate-approved bills a chance to be voted on in the Assembly. Although years of effort went into making California the first state in the nation
MONTH OF AUGUST IN THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE, August 6, all policy Committees are to be heard and report to fiscal committees on bills introduced in their house.
PROPOSITION 35 California Proposition 35, Managed Care Organization Tax Authorization Initiative California Proposition 35, the Creation of New Healthcare Fund Initiative (#23-0024), is on the ballot in California as an initiated state statute on November 5, 2024.
California Proposition 33, the Prohibit State Limitations on Local Rent Control Initiative, is on the ballot in California as an initiated state statute on November 5, 2024.
PROPOSITION 6 California Proposition 6, Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment (2024) California Proposition 6, the Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment is on the ballot in California as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 5, 2024.
PROPOSITION 4 California Proposition 4, Parks, Environment, Energy, and Water Bond Measure (2024) A "yes" vote supports issuing $10 billion in bonds to fund state and local parks, environmental protection projects, water infrastructure projects, energy projects, and flood protection projects.